Friday, July 18, 2008

National Press Photographers Association Prasies Photo MA

In the NPPA Digest - 3 Jul 2008 to 4 Jul 2008, Photographer, editor and critic Dirck Halstead writes an article entitled 'Photojournalism and China, the good and the bad '. He begins with "the Bad" a critism of the Shenyang Photo festival (earlier highlighted in this blog) and then goes on,

picture: Dirck works with Photo MA students on a multi media workshop in Dalian

"However, during the week in Shen Yang, I met Yang Xiaoguang, who is
considered the most important force for photojournalism education in
China. He, along with Dave Clark, run a wonderful MA program at Dalian
University on the coast. Dalian was as good as Shen Yang was bad. This
week they held an international workshop in multimedia. They had
invited Brian Storm of MediaStorm, Dan Chung of the Guardian, and
several other leaders in international multimedia to teach a three day
course in multimedia for newspapers. I did a seminar on the Platypus
workshop, and Brian taught the techniques of audio and its integration
in web multimedia. This was a first class
course, and the students were both international and Chinese. Many of
China's top newspapers were represented by photographers and editors.
Dean Xianoguang will be working with some of these newspapers to bring
the first Platypus Workshop to China in the months ahead."
