Photo MA
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Teaching Post in Ulster
University of Ulster
Senior Lecturer in Photography
Base: Belfast Ref: J08/181/W
The postholder will teach, assess and examine in all years of BA Hons
Photography and MA Photography and will serve as Course Director for one of
these programmes. Applicants must have experience of teaching photography at
both degree and masters level.
Salary: £45,397-£52,628
Closing date: 21 November 2008
Interview date: 12 December 2008
Details and application pack:
Labels: General
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Young Photographers United (YPU) was created in 2001 as an organisation with the aim of promoting young photographers around the world. As an international platform, the organisation supports young blood flowing into the photography world.
In every continent, our members strive to become leading professional photographers and express their vision of the world. They stand together as a group united by a common aim and show exceptional talent. The management team shares a commitment to quality and operates under an international outlook.
Each year we select 50 of the most exceptional new talents from more than 2,000 applicants around the world. Photographers remain with the foundation for three years; YPU therefore has a constant and regularly updated pool of 150 creative talents....more
Labels: Awards/grants
China Eases Rules for Foreign Media
BEIJING (AP) — China said Friday that an easing of restrictions on foreign journalists enacted for the Olympics would become permanent.
Prime Minister Wen Jiabao signed the new decree, which took effect immediately, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said late Friday at a news conference.
Under the rules, foreign reporters do not need government permission to travel within China or to interview its citizens. ...moreLabels: General
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Digital Railroad Close to Collapse
Digital Railroad is laying off staff and scrambling for investment in a bid to stave off liquidity ...more
Labels: Photojournalism
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Online Video Sector about to Hit Hard Times
The economic crisis that has frozen credit, toppled banks and sent consumer confidence plummeting worldwide is about to wreak its havoc on the online-video investment sector. That’s the conclusion of venture capitalists and other experts who are betting the flow of venture money into online video is about to dry up. ...more
Labels: Issues
Photojournalism that moves
Photo MA Dalian course leader speaks to The Philippine Inquirer about the future of photojournalism. ...more
Labels: Photo MA News, Photojournalism
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I Don't Think Print Is Dead or Even Dying
Runner's World editor-in-chief and current American Society of Magazine Editors president David Willey offered a positive view of the future in his address to the American Magazine Conference Tuesday morning. "I don't think print is dead or even dying," the editor said ...more
Labels: Issues, Photojournalism
Paul Wolfgang Webster appointed photographer in residence for Waterstones

Photo MA student Paul Wolfgang Webster has been appointed photographer in residence for Waterstones books continuing his success of having his work acquired by the National Portrait Gallery London, Paul has been engaged by Waterstones books to produce portraits of famous writers and artist.
Picture of Sting
Labels: Photo MA News
Andy Exhibits to Mark World Mental Health Day on October the 10th

Photo MA graduate Andy Boag is holding an exhibition to Mark World Mental Health Day on October the 10th. Harold Wilson Gallery Huddersfield
It's called 'In the Hot Seat' and it is a series of self portraits taken by the staff and service users of the the Mental Health Charity 'Artists In Mind'.
The artists posed with a favourite piece of their artwork, then talked about the significance of the piece to them. The original artwork is on display alongside the text and photograph.
Labels: Events, Photo MA News
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Facebook Group in Memory of Yang

Photo MA graduate Verena Kennedy has set up a facebook group for those who knew him to leave messages of condolence, stories with Yang, pictures and videos. The group is called 'In Memory of Professor Yang' is free to join, though you will need to set up a free facebook ID if you don't already have one. The Photo MA staff will ensure Yang's family see the comments and anything in English will be translated for them too. Facebook can be found
Labels: Photo MA News
Photovoice Advertising for New Director
PhotoVoice is a small, award-winning dynamic charity that empowers some of the most disadvantaged groups in the world with photographic skills, so that they can advocate, express themselves and transform their lives.
Position: Part time
Salary: Salary negotiable depending on experience
Location: EC2A, London
PhotoVoice has grown consistently since it was set up nearly ten years ago and is now well positioned to grow significantly over the next few years. 2007/8 has been a year of major change during which an interim Managing Director has worked to support a shift from the organisation being founder-led. At the end of the interim Managing Director’s tenure, PhotoVoice has created a new permanent Managing Director’s role. The purpose of this role is to lead PhotoVoice’s next phase of development and to support the Project Director (a founder) and a committed team of 5 further staff members.
Interest in and knowledge of the photographic industry and media industries as well as of advocacy work would be highly advantageous.
Closing date for full applications: 10am. Wednesday October 29th
Interviews: week of November 10th ...more
Humanising Photography Conference
Humanising Photography
Durham Centre for Advanced Photography Studies (DCAPS)
Durham University, UK
25-27 September 2009
In the early twenty-first century, the still photographic image continues to be one of the central visual technologies of humanitarianism: from the all-too familiar images documenting successive waves of famine and disease, through those that bear witness to the action and destruction of war, to the photo ops staged in the arena of struggles for human rights. Disseminated across a range of media and spanning geographical distances and cultural divides, photographic images are presented for everyday consumption, produced by practitioners often working explicitly in the name of ‘humanity’ and testifying to acts of injustice and states of destitution and abjection....more
Labels: Events
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
In Memory - Yang Xiaoguang
Yang was brought up during the Cultural Revolution in China during which time he was banished to the countryside. Returning to Dalian in the post Mao era he took a job as a technician in Dalian Medical University where he was to work for the rest of his life. Learning English by himself he took advantage of a scholarship to America in the early 80’s where he first started to study photography, completing an MA in Visual art at Columbia Pacific University. Returning to Dalian he started what was then only the second University Photography BA programme in China and over the next twenty years grew it to be the most respected course in China and quite possibly the largest photography department in the world. He was a visiting scholar at University of California Berkeley from 1988-1990 where he first developed an interest in documentary filmmaking. A passion that saw him travel the world and develop film making into the University programmes. In his life he published eight books and countless articles, he was hugely respected throughout the Chinese and international photography community and leaves a large hole in global photographic education.
Though greatly respected for his achievements however Yang’s utmost quality was his energetic charismatic personality. He was a shining example of greatness in every respect. Always positive, never too busy to deal with the smallest request from anyone, whatever their position, nationality or need and kind, exceptionally kind to everyone who knew him. He was never short of ideas and answers to the numerous problems that faced him. A true ambassador to China and to Photography.
We will all miss him enormously.
Labels: Photo MA News
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Saatchi Gallery Student Offer
The Saatchi Gallery would like to invite you to join Saatchi Online Student Artists – the world’s largest free online Student Art gallery
Following the success of Saatchi Online – our online exhibition space for professional artists with over 110,000 registered artists - we have launched this new section of the site dedicated to Art Students from around the world.
The Saatchi Student Artists site, which already has profiles of 35,000 art students from around the world, allows each individual to have their own page to display their work. The aim is provide a free forum for you to showcase your art and make connections with other students, dealers, curators and collectors from around the world.
Labels: Awards/grants
Friday, October 3, 2008
Grace's Mongolian Women Features on Top Blog

Labels: Photo MA News
What Matters

What Matters—an audacious undertaking by best-selling editor and author David Elliot Cohen—challenges us to consider how socially conscious photography can spark public discourse, spur reform, and shift the way we think. For 150 years, photographs have not only documented human events, but also changed their course—from Jacob Riis’s exposé of brutal New York tenements to Lewis Hine’s child labor investigations to snapshots of torture at Abu Ghraib prison. In this vein, What Matters presents eighteen powerful stories by this generation’s foremost photojournalists. These stories cover essential issues confronting us and our planet: from climate change and environmental degradation to global jihad, AIDS, and genocide in Darfur to the consequences of the Iraq war, oil addiction, and the inequitable distribution of global wealth. The pictures in What Matters are personal and specific, but still convey universal concepts. These images are rendered even more compelling by trenchant commentary. Cohen asked the foremost writers, thinkers, and experts in their fields to elucidate issues raised by the photographs.
Labels: Issues, Photojournalism